We were made for this.

But, please, for the love of all that is holy, do not waste your precious, powerful creative life force on imagining further horrors. Do not go read The Handmaid’s Tale or 1984 as operating manuals for what to do next. What will unfold will unfold, and we will meet it. But this moment is this moment.

Let us not reduce ourselves to algorithms that can only create based on what has already happened. Let us remember all of the times that humans imagined things that they had never yet seen (and certainly couldn’t measure) and created massive beauty and magic.

We need your beautiful, limitless, POWERFUL creativity to imagine something different. Something more beautiful. Something more boundless. Something that focuses on the vastness of our shared humanity.

We have the power and skills within us to navigate this moment. We neither need nor will we be able to find instructions outside of ourselves, outside of THIS MOMENT. All that mindfulness meditation you’ve been doing? Now’s your chance to take it for a spin in the real world.

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Waking Lullabies

A “waking lullaby” is a song I carry with me to soothe and uplift. It tends to induce a deep sense of relaxation in me while I’m awake and going about my activities, especially when I sing it out loud and invite its vibration into my body.

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We Remember You - A chant to honor the Ancestors

And then I remembered: when a mind is foggy or confused and isn’t helping to solve the problem at hand, it’s probably the wrong tool for the job. So I stopped thinking about it. I journeyed. I dropped into my heart. I asked for help from…you guessed it…the Ancestors. ❤️ I asked what they most wanted to hear, and that night, in the shower (always with the water!), this song arrived, line by line, like a call and echo from the Ancestors themselves.

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The Divine* Dance

As our culture shifts, we have unprecedented opportunities to cultivate and harmonize the projective and receptive within ourselves. On my path, I've encountered so many women making the space for these explorations, but men seem vastly rarer to be found. My prayer is that more and more of our brothers will choose to step out of the shadow of privilege and pain and join us in the dance.

I offer this to all that feel bound by limited cultural measurements of masculinity and femininity, especially those longing to embody the Divine Masculine:

May you know that harmony is available to you.

May you find your gentleness and not label it weakness.

May you connect with tenderness and allow it to touch your heart.

May you embrace your desire to protect as you release your urge to control.

May you celebrate your strength without needing to dominate.

May you revel in your creativity without needing to compare.

May your laughter bubble from delight rather than derision.

May you allow yourself to be seen and received as you open to the flow of sweetness.

May you dance with the Divine. <3

*a note on divinity: The reader is invited to weave whatever meaning resonates most; however, when I use the word "divine", it is my intent to refer to the highest, whole, healed state of a thing rather than any specific religious or theological concept or entity.

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Juliana Murphy
Eclipse Time

We are in a moment where there is great and particular support and encouragement for questioning and releasing anything that has been holding us in a place of suffering: thoughts, habits, relationships, patterns of behavior; old structures that value exclusion over inclusion; old patterns of dividing ourselves into “us” and “them”; outdated institutions that ignore or deny the basic goodness inherent in all life; old ideas of dominance, power, and dominion; algorithms that are only able to make decisions based on what has already happened (encoded in both technology and our own minds); rigid cultural structures and institutions that insist we must look to something outside of ourselves to determine our value, worth, and enoughness.

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Juliana Murphy